Gaming News

New Star Wars Game Coming in November

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Expanding on the ever-growing catalog of Star Wars videogames (both old and new), Electronic Arts recently showcased its upcoming game, titled “Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order” at this year’s E3 convention.

Developed by Respawn Entertainment (responsible for titles like Titanfall and Apex Legends), the game lets you play as Cal Kestis, a Jedi Padawan who somehow survives the events of the film “Revenge of the Sith”. You must use your skills to fight your way through the galaxy, all the while steering clear of Darth Vader and his Jedi hunters known as the Inquisitors.

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The game takes place not too long from the events of “Rogue One” and “Star Wars Rebels”, which take place between Episodes three and four.

The game features single player action-adventure gameplay, and we’re hoping that the narrative, writing, and characters all hold together for one solid adventure in the Star Wars universe. Whether it lives up to the benchmark set by games like “Knights of the Old Republic” or “The Force Unleashed” is yet to be seen, however. You’ll also get to meet some familiar characters in the game, as names like Saw Gerrera are slated to be in the game.

FURTHER READING: Should You Get the PlayStation Classic?

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Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order is scheduled to be released this November 2019 on Microsoft Windows, Xbox, and PlayStation.

About the author

Mike Viray

A writer with a fondness for consumer tech, Mike is also a music lover, and an avid gamer as well. He and his wife are big fans of Mario Kart.


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  • Thank you for this post.  Can you tell me what platforms this will be coming to?

    I’ll be a little honest here.  I’ve wanted to love previous Star Wars game releases but usually end up disappointed.  Still, I keep buying them in hopes that I’ll find one that really engages me.  Aside from the story line, can you provide any more detail as to what to expect?

    Thank you,


  • I almost forget about this because there are a lot of good and overhyped games announced at E3 this year, such as Cyberpunk 2077 and Final Fantasy VII Remake. Is this new Star Wars game coming worldwide? I’m curious if this will do better compared to Battlefront (in term of gameplay, and business).

    • I hope they really cut down on the loot boxes and microtransactions tbh. That’s what ruined battlefront.